Reuven Tallit

$ 888.00$ 1,600.00

Our tallits are made, from inception to the finishing touches in Israel, with great care and attention to detail. We use combinations of cotton and chenille, giving the tallit its unique texture and offering a wide variety of designs, ranging from classic to contemporary.

Tallit “Reuven” takes it’s color palette right out of nature, the home of a variety of greens, browns, gold and yellow. In this design, you can find every season.

All Tallit sets include matching Tallit, Kippah and bag.

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Each Tallit
comes with  a matching
tallit bag and  kipa

Mazal tov!! If you’re thinking about buying a new tallit, that means you have an up-coming simcha or you’re looking to hiddur mitzvah (enhancing the aesthetic of a particular mitzvah, i.e. purchasing a new and beautiful tallit!)

Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions N/A

L, M, S

Kipa size

Large, Small

Tzitzit Style

Ashkenazi, Sephardic

Ptil Techelet

Add Ptil Techelet, Without

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